
Erich Gamma加入微软Visual Studio团队


《设计模式》的四位合著者(称为GoF,Gang of Four)之一Erich Gamma加入了微软Visual Studio团队。

据负责Visual Studio的微软副总裁Jason Zander说,Gamma以杰出工程师(Distinguished Engineer)的身份加入微软,并为Visual Studio工作,他没有说明Gamma具体参与哪个项目以及为何离开IBM,只是表示他会继续在瑞士苏黎世工作,微软会在那里创建一个实验室,由Gamma领导。

Gamma因《设计模式:可复用面向对象软件的基础》一书成名,该书由他与Richard Helm、Ralph Johnson和John Vlissides合著,被开发社区视为面向对象软件开发的指南。他从1998年开始成为Rational Software的杰出工程师,在IBM收购Rational之后又为新东家工作。

Gamma的成就还包括:他和Kent Beck合作开发了单元测试框架JUnit;领导Eclipse Java Development Tools项目;在IBM/Rational Jazz、Team Concert和Collaborative Lifecycle Management方面的关键技术角色。

Gamma对Visual Studio团队来说是宝贵的财富,因为他在Eclipse和广泛的技术领域具有长期的经验。


Erich Gamma, one of the four co-authors of Design Patterns, known as GoF (Gang of Four), has joined Microsoft Visual Studio team.

Gamma has joined Microsoft as a Distinguished Engineer and will work on Visual Studio, according to Jason Zander, Corporate VP for Visual Studio. Nothing is said about what projects he will work on or why he left IBM, only that he will continue to work out of Zurich, Switzerland, where Microsoft will create a lab to be led by him.

Gamma became famous after Design Patterns – Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software, the book he co-authored along with Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson and John Vlissides, was published and was embraced by the software community as a guide for object-oriented software development. He used to be a Distinguished Engineer for Rational Software from 1998, then for IBM after they acquired Rational.

Gamma is also known for JUnit, the unit testing framework he developed with Kent Beck, for his contribution to the Eclipse platform as one of the leads, head of Eclipse Java Development Toolsproject, and several technical key roles for IBM/Rational Jazz, Team Concert and Collaborative Lifecycle Management.

Gamma is certainly a valuable asset for the Visual Studio team, given his long experience with Eclipse and general technical expertise.

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