
软件度量复习整理-Software Metrics[四]


Modularity and Information Flow Attributes

Module: a contiguous sequence of program statements, bounded by boundary elements, having an aggregate identifier (Yourdon and Constantine 1979).模块的定义:程序当中连续的代码序列,以分解元素界定,有一系列标识符。

– A module can be any object.一个模块可以是任意的对象。

– A program, unit, procedure, or function.一个程序,单元,过程或者函数。


Coupling is the degree of interdependence between mouldes.耦合说的是模块之间的互相依赖度。

Ri > Rj for i > j

No coupling relation R0: module x and module y have no communication.没有耦合,模块X和Y之间没有通信。

Data coupling relation R1 : x and y communicate by parameters, where each parameter is either a single data element or a homogeneous set of data items (no control element).数据耦合,X,Y之间通过参数进行通讯,每个参数是单一的数据元素,或者是同种数据集合(不含有控制元素);

Stamp coupling relation R2 : x and y accept the same record type as a parameter.特征耦合:X和Y接受同种记录类型的参数。

Control coupling relation R3 : x passes a parameter (flag) to y with the intention of controlling its behavior.控制耦合:X传递一个标志参数去控制了Y的行为。

Common coupling relation R4 : x and y refer to the same global data.公共耦合:X和Y引用了相同的全局变量。

Content coupling relation R5 : x refers to the inside of y.内容耦合:X引用了Y的内部内容。

Loosely coupling: R1, R2. R1, R2.属于松散耦合。

Tightly coupling: R4, R5. R4, R5属于紧耦合。

Coupling Measurement (1)

Coupling between x and y:

c(x, y) = i + n/(n+1).

where i is the number corresponding to the worst coupling relation Ri between x and y, and n is the number of interconnections between x and y.(Fenton and Melton 1990)。X,Y的耦合度 = 最大级别耦合数i + n/(n+1) n是连接次数。

Coupling Measurement (2)

A measure of global coupling C of a system S consisting of modules D1, …, Dn, is defined in the following way:

C(S) is the median value of the set {c(Di, Dj):1<=i<j<=n}



The cohesion of a module is the extent to which its individual components are needed to perform the same task.模块的内聚说的是它为了完成某个相同的任务,内部组件联合的强度。








Cohesion Ratio= no. of modules having functional cohesion / totoal no. of modules


Information Flow

Researchers have tried to examine elements information flow like the follow of information:

Total level of information flow through the system.

Total level of information flow between the individual modules and the rest of the system.


Information flow is based on fan-in and fan-out. 信息流基于扇入和扇出。

Fan-in of a module M is the number of local flows that terminate at M, plus the number of data structures from which information is retrieved by M.模块M的扇入是本地流终止于M加上重新返回M的数据流。[PPT有错,PPT上说的都是Fan-out]

Fan-out of a module M is the number of local flows that emanate from M, plus the number of data structures that are updated by M。模块M的扇出是从M散出的,加上被M更新的数据结构。

a local direct flow occurs if either:

A module invokes a second module and passes information to it; or

The invoked module returns an outcome to the calling module.


Henry and Kafura’s Metrics

Information flow complexity(M)= length(M)*((fan-in(M)*(fan-out(M))2

Shepperd’s Metric

Shepperd complexity (M)= ((fan-in(M)*(fan-out(M))2


Information flow Advantages 优点

Measures total level of information flow between the modules of a system.测量了系统的总体信息流级别。

Evaluates potential design changes.评估了潜在的设计改变。

Allows the identification of design problems such as modules with a large amount of fan-in and fan-out.能够鉴别设计错误比如一个模块含有大量的扇入扇出。

Can be produced in the design stage。在设计阶段能够出结果。

Takes into account data-driven programs. 将数据驱动的程序纳入了考虑范围。

Address issues such as complexity and cohesion.说名了复杂度和内聚性。

Suitable for identifying software that exhibits maintenance problems and may be error prone and unreliable. 适于鉴定软件有维护性问题,易于发现错误和不可靠。

Appropriate for identifying lack of cohesion, stress points and missing levels of design abstraction.适于发现缺少内聚度,敏感点,和抽象设计缺失。

Provides motivation for their use in the prediction of cohesion.推动了内聚性的预测。

Information flow disadvantages 缺点

All the flows have equal weighting.所有的流有相同的权重。

If there is no external interactions can give misleading values.如果没有外部交互可能引起误判。

Underestimates local and global information flows.低估了局部和全局信息流。

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